Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th!

Would you believe that we ACTUALLY have patients that refuse to keep appointments on Friday the 13th? I am amazed! For the last 2 days, people have called in to reschedule for different reasons, but the old superstitious women who say, "Oh hunny, I just CAN'T come today! It's Friday, the 13th! Can I reschedule?" I just want to say, "Really? You're going to let a stupid old wivestale keep you in the house?" What do they think will happen?
My Nanny is one of the most superstitious people I know, so I can't be too hard on all of these others. She firmly believes you have to exit the same door you entered, you can't open umbrellas in the house, you absolutely positively CAN NOT for any reason wash clothes on New Year's Day, because you're washing "for a corpse", of course and other silly little things. She is so funny. I've tried to explain to her that there is no such thing as luck: good OR bad, but she is stuck in her ways. Her momma always abided by those rules and so will she.
She is supposed to be selling her old car today. She called last night to tell me that she will be picking it up this afternoon because she is to meet James at 3:00pm about the transaction. See, my Nanny's car WAS parked in my yard because we have a really good track record of quick sells on used cars! HAHAH! If only I could get commission for these cars!
When she called to tell me this, I immediately thought, "I can't believe she's going to do business on Friday the 13th." She didn't mention it, but I'm sure it crossed her mind. She was already in a tizzy over selling it to someone she knows. She doesn't like to do "business with friends" just in case something went wrong. She worries too much, but we all know that.
I guess I will see how her car selling went today. I'm sure I'll get the full scoop tonight at the party.
Take your precautions! Don't let Friday the 13th "git" ya!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!"

Last night at church, we had a girl party for all of the youth. We started out the evening with worship and singing with Driven, the youth band, then we split up and went to our "Girls Secret Room" to start the party. We had to dress up with all of the garb Nikki and Casey provided and then we had to dance around. There were feather boas, masks, hats, spoons (for microphones, of course), skirts, shirts and wigs. It was hilarious!!! We all dressed up like the biggest goobers you've ever seen. I had on a clown hat with polka dots, a lime green sash, and pink pom-poms for my pigtails. We sang and danced around to Family Force 5, Barlow Girl, Jeremy Camp, MercyMe and acted just as silly as girls can act. We've never laughed so much either and sadly enough, we have pictures to prove this. I just know there will be some that show up on Myspace or Facebook. It is coming, I'm sure.
After acting silly and nerdy, we all had to fill in the blank with our own word. The statment was: "I Am Not _____ Enough". Most wrote: skinny, pretty, cool, smart, tall, loved, worthy, spiritual. Nikki taught a little lesson on how Satan gets into our head through tv, radio and friends and makes us feel completely unworthy of anything. In other words, he loves to make sure we know we aren't "Good Enough." God's word specifically says that we ARE worthy and "good enough". God made us in His image. He created us especially for man as a mate. He formed us from Adam's rib and formed Adam from the dust of the ground. He made us in his glory and honor. Isn't that awesome? We are perfect. We are beautiful. Just as the song says, "...we are precious in His sight...".

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Am Here...To Stay!

Well, I'm back to Blogger. I had a blog years ago on this site and decided to change to Xanga because at the time, it seemed more user friendly. I have recently decided since I know a lot more people on Blogger, I might as well make the switch.

Today is Wednesday. This has been a great week! I have really tried to start my day off with prayer more than I have been. It is the one area I slack in, prayer. I think sometimes I am so busy that I put praying on the back burner along with cleaning the bathroom. I never seem to "get around to it". I've made a committment to start each day off with prayer on the way to work and I can FEEL the difference. People at work have even noticed that I am more bubbly, as if that is even possible, than before. I attribute it all to prayer!
God is awesome! I am having a party on Friday for all of my girl friends and I am so excited! I have never hosted anything at my house like this, other than a chicken stew or birthday party. Last night, Zac and I were rearranging things and cleaning like no one else. I have thrown away and donated so many things to Goodwill just since January! Next year, at least I will have a little more to deduct! HAHA! I called mom last night to ask her to make some dip and sweet tea and called Meredith to make her famous buffalo chicken dip to bring. I know we are going to have a ball on Friday night! I hope the weather stays warm because I plan on having the party in my sunroom/porch thingy...I really don't know the name of it. Well, I hope this day is wonderful for you all too.
Until next time...