Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Meltdown Monday

A "meltdown", as defined in Webster's Dictionary, is a breakdown of self-control (as from fatigue or overstimulation). That's exactly what I had yesterday. Let me set the scenario for you if I may:
I went to work as usual. It was a Monday, of course, which meant our schedule would be heavier than any other day of the week. There were a lot, and I mean OODLES of patients on the schedule, but we know that we can all work together to get the job done. By 7:50am, Susan, our "Master In Command" for the day, had already been to the front desk to make certain that we were all made aware that we were "under minimum staffing". In other words this meant that they let too many people off at the same time and/or too many people called in sick. By her supurb managerial attitude, the tone for the day had been set. Our department manager was asked to scan patients also to help with workflow issues. Fast forward this story by one hour. Around 9am there was a patient who had waited over 45 minutes for his test and still had not been called back. He had a meeting in High Point at 10am and needed to reschedule his test. When our manager saw that he, along with another patient by this time, had left due to a delayed wait time, she hit the roof! She immediately wanted to know why WE (the front desk idiots) had not informed the patients that they were understaffed and behind on tests! (BTW, that's not MY "the idiot" JOB!)
After being yelled at, which I can assure you goes over like a turd in a punchbowl with me, I heard all I cared to from her. She didn't bother to come in and say, "Good Morning" or "How's things going today?". Oh no, she just managed to jump down people's throats and act defensively when approached with a crisis. Some things will never change.
I managed to trudge through the day with a horrible attitude. FINALLY 3:30pm came and I clocked out as fast as I possibly could. I had to meet Zac so he could drop the church bus off for repairs and headed home shortly thereafter. All I wanted to do was clean my house. That's MY (the idiot's) therapy. :)
We walked in to door and Zac ordered me to lay down and rest. He could tell that the day had taken its toll on me. He could see it in my eyes. Again, ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS TO CLEAN MY HOUSE! Bless his heart, he has such good intentions of wanting to do things for me but after I bawled my eyes out and pitched a fit, he was scrubbing the tub and toilet while I cleaned the kitchen like nobody's business. He explained to me that he thought I had a problem with accepting authority. Hmm....maybe after reading this blog, I do have a problem!
My BFF in the whole.wide.world sent me a note saying that I needed a vacation. A REAL Vacation! Not one that I worked my fingers to the bone or was responsible for chaperoning youth, but a real-rootin'-tootin' vaca where I was just lazy! I'm going to work on scheduling that, but for now, Hilton Head with Lori and the other fun SCENTSational women will definitely do the trick! I'm looking forward to the road trip with Lori, talking, laughing....just getting to know her better. Road trips are my fave! I love the ride down almost as much as I do the vacation itself :) I'm weird, I know. While we're in HH, we're going to shop, walk around and (Squeals with excitement!!) we're going to SAVANNAH!!! I've always wanted to go there to soak it all in. We won't have long to do much, except eat at "The Lady & Sons", Paula Deen's restaurant, but I'm going to absorb all I can. Pictures will be uploaded to FB accordingly ;)
That's the highlight of my week. Just praying the panic attacks and nerves keep away for the remainder of this work-week. YIPPEEE for great weekends!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Surprise Party, Sleeping Late & Super Bowl

Shew! What a weekend already and it is only halfway over.
I'm sitting in my pj's on this cold, rainy Saturday with Pete laying across my feet (giving me NO wiggle room), Ellie snoring across the room as she basks in the heat of the living room register and Zac lounging on the other couch, wrapped up like burrito baby. I honestly can't believe that we slept until 10:30 this morning. WOW! I was just complaining yesterday about how I could sleep all day on a work day, but on Saturdays I wake up at 6:30am bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Guess I proved myself wrong......is that possible? Anyway.....it is now 12:45pm and I've made no great strides. I've decided that laundry must be done so 2 loads have been completed. That's about all the effort I feel like putting forward today. Good times......being lazy. :)
Last night we went to East Coast Wings for Karlee & Kaytee's surprise 18th birthday. We hid in the backroom and when they came in we of course yelled the proverbial, "SURPRISE" thus scaring them along with everyone else in the back of the place. Kaytee turned around as if to head BACK out the door because she got nervous and then started to cry, while rubbing the "knot" out of her throat. It was hilarious. Karls didn't feel well as she's been sick all week, but she was happy to see everyone. I made a new BFF (sorry Jenn & Mer) while at the party and we talked hair, nails, boys and music. She loves Mt Dew, the color white and singing. We were meant to be friends. Who is the new-found friend? Katie Rowley. Well, excuse me, her given name it Kaitlyn Brooke Rowley. "I am 9 years old, in the 4th grade at Piney Grove Elementary and my favorite color is white. I have a boyfriend named Brock and he is cute, but he does not go to school with me. My brother doesn't like the fact that I have a boyfriend but he's just jealous."
These were her exact words to me after she ran up to me and hugged my neck.
She said, "I know the last time I really saw you, I was throwing up at VBS but I promise not to do that this year". I died laughing. She was a hoot.
After eating some of the best wings I've ever tasted and birthday cake, we left the party and headed to WalMart...on...a...Friday....night. I was quickly reminded WHY I avoid said place on Friday nights after we drove through the parking lot and spotted a nice, redneck family of 5 arguing to the top of their lungs. Surprisingly enough, not one of them dropped the cig that dangled from their mouths. Amazing, I know.
"We just have to get a few things for the week,.....ya know, bread, milk, cereal..." are the famous last words I spoke. With good intentions aside, our total came to $90. Now explain to me how bread and milk multiplies into a bamboo plate rack (for a Scentsy display idea) and much more groceries that I had no intentions of buying? I believe Sam Walton put some sort of voo-doo on that place that takes over your debit card without your knowledge. It is what it is and the groceries have been bought.
Today, we are headed to church around 2pm to get the bus ready for WinterJam tonight with Ignite Students. I'm very excited to go! The only downfall is that my BFF isn't going because the "sickness" has invaded her house and she and D have decided to lay low. Understandable but "BOOOOOO". WinterJam is our thing, ya know? I'll have to find a new "sangin' partner" to blare out my mad vocals with. I love concerts because no matter how badly you sing, you can belt it out as loud as possible and NO ONE cares because the music will always be louder than you!
Tomorrow is church, praise team, lunch, Scentsy meeting and SUPER BOWL PARTY, ( I made my very own Cheese-Head hat!)
I just wish the the weather would warm up.
More to come later....with Super Bowl updates of course.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Long Time, No Blog...

I know what you're thinking, "She is finally posting something to this ol' blog after almost 2 years?" and the answer is, "Yes!" I know my BFF will be so proud of me. She is an avid blogger and I love reading her blogs whenever I can. I, on the other hand, am not. "Hi! My name is Ashley and I'm a SLACKER."

After being invited to a new blog for us SCENTSational Gals called, "Shoot For The Moon", I thought that I'd pick back up where I left off and start blogging again.

First off let me say this. I can't figure out for the life of me how to set up my background, headers, footers, Gadgets....UGH!

Hopefully I will get this figured out enough to post a nice, long blog later! :)